Monday, November 22, 2010

Early Thanksgiving wishes...

     Well, it's that time of year again.  Normally I'm not a holiday person, but for some reason this year is different.  We're all going down to the beach in Florida to stay for a week with my dad's side of the family.  My daughter will be there, which is probably why I'm so excited.  They're only coming for 2 days, but that's 2 days that I normally wouldn't be able to spend with her.  I don't do well around big crowds, so I'm a bit nervous.  But I'll have my own room to go to if things get too overwhelming.  I hope that everyone has a great Thanksgiving. Even if you're not a holiday person, I know you can come up with at least one thing to be thankful for.  It's kind of a "one day at a time" thing for me.  I usually expect the worst, and then am pleasantly surprised how things work out.  I am hoping and praying that I don't have an episode while I'm there.  That would really suck.  I really don't have much else to say today.  I love you all and while we're on the topic of Thanksgiving, I'm thankful for you all.  The feedback I have gotten from my friends is so helpful and encouraging.  I'm grateful for my entire family and for their comfort and love during this difficult time.  Thank you so much for reading. Have a great holiday!