Thursday, December 16, 2010

Hard Times...

     It's Christmas again.  I used to hate this time of year until I had my daughter.  Then, watching her delight at Christmas totally changed it for me.  I couldn't wait to watch her get excited about Christmas and Santa and giving Jesus a gift for Christmas, a tradition my family has taken on since I was a child.  I used to love Christmas.
     Now I don't like Christmas so much.  It's not that I don't like it, but I hate the way my Christmas has changed this year.  Not having my daughter has changed absolutely every inch of my being.  And it's changed Christmas.  I don't have her to watch the Charlie Brown's Christmas, so I leave my tv off instead of trying to myself get through yet another Christmas special where everybody makes it out ok and is really happy.  I should be's a happy time of year.  I try not to beat myself up for having a rough time, but it's hard sometimes.  I think that I should be fine since I take the lifetime supply of psychotrophic medication...ya know?  Oh well....another day, another time, right?
     I'm going to bed.  I hope you all have a good night.  Sleeping is my friend at this point. Thanks for reading